‘Never in my travels … did I see anything that resembled the appearance of the Granville and Georgia streets area’, says one letter writer
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Re: Vancouver’s flagship Hudson’s Bay store still empty, needs working elevators and escalators
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We need more articles like this that depict the miserable state certain properties project in a city that used to be the showcase of the country.
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After three weeks touring countries in Asia and then driving by the Bay on my way home, I was sickened by the mess that it has become. Never in my travels within the city centres in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore, did I see anything that resembled the appearance of the Granville and Georgia area.
Whether it’s our Charter of Rights and Freedoms or simply an unwillingness by all levels of government to clean up our country for fear they will offend activists, at a minimum, we need enforcement of existing laws by decision makers willing to risk re-election.
Don Weber, West Vancouver
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Build housing above parking lots
Re: Three sites transferred to City of Vancouver for social housing in False Creek North
Re: Bylaw giving City of Vancouver first chance to buy properties not worth it: Staff report
All of these topics are about the need to build more housing in Metro Vancouver and all of these issues can be solved by using existing city-owned land. Build housing above parking lots. The most obvious site, that Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim has ignored, is the PNE. The land is already owned by the city and is close to major transit corridors. The parking lots could continue to serve the PNE events, still remain as parking lots, provide revenue for the city and provide needed housing. Win, win, win, win.
Dale Laird, Vancouver
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What about Surrey taxpayers?
Re: Surrey Police complaints against fellow RCMP officers fill pages: court documents
Interesting comment in this report. However, stating it is Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke only opposing the province is a tad inaccurate. Locke was elected by the majority of Surrey voters in the last municipal election. It is a collective of Surrey voters and taxpayers wanting to continue with the RCMP. I surmise that Mike Farnworth has no concerns about the additional tax burden to Surrey taxpayers. I think he will find out in the next election.
Tom Moore, Delta
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